Welcome to our Online Community.

Hey! I would love to introduce you to Nene’s Network that connects you to our online community of offers and other stuff that you would love. I’m excited for you to see what incredible offers we have on this page.

You see; no matter how great a new service or new product is, if you do not know about it, you cannot take advantage of it.

There is tons of new offers that we find and add so you can see the amazing new finds. Our Community Site is here to help you find what yo are looking for.

There is tons of intriguing offers that come our way so we do our best to keep updating our page. So you’ll definitely want to register and get that email. Also, some of the offers have a limited time to be available so you’ll also get that email when that time frame is.

GO HERE AND CLICK, then, Register for Community updates in the Entry Form directly on the Right.

One of my favorite finds is: Wine Magic.  You can see that in the Arts & Entertainment Section.  This an amazing program that literally is a huge savings and quality addition to anyone’s life. Furthermore, it adds so much to our quality of life today and into the future. In addition; it is always fun and entertaining!

From A to Z (in this case T) we cover a broad range.

We, ourselves, check out the products before we even think of bringing them to you. So when you see newly added stuff, just know we bought and used them to make sure they work! We have everything organized in their own category to make it easier for you to find that specific thing you’re looking for. As an OCD person myself, it helps so much.

So we hope you have just as much fun seeing what is in store for you here, as we did finding them in the first place! You will want to bookmark our page, and keep checking as we add things. We have an amazing e-newsletter that we only send out updates and key information on amazing deals. No need to worry about us selling or sharing your info, ever. Because we do not share info with anyone, ever. We appreciate you being a part of what we are doing here. So we are looking forward to several more decades of sharing. 

So if you love online shopping just as much as I do, this is this place for you! Save this page so it’s easier for you come back see all the new offers. Make sure to also register for our e-newsletter to stay updated. Your information is safe with us. Enjoy looking through all off our interesting finds, we definitely enjoyed finding them. Thank you for being here and being apart of what we do.

It is like having a new car.

After every month that goes by you keep finding cool and new things about it! We add new things to each Category and even add a whole new one! So make sure to always go through the Categories again so you don’t miss out on anything new.

Want to see our latest incredible find? See it here. Cause this has been changing lives. And it isn’t something you would ever get in a store. Online only… and here!

This is something that we love to do as a community. We all thank you for being here.